Wednesday, November 30, 2011

New LANAP Study Excites Periodontal Community

Leading Periodontists Worldwide Excited about Research Data for the LANAP Protocol


Leading Periodontists Worldwide Excited about Research Data for the LANAP® Protocol

More Human Histologic Research, This Time on 'Hopeless' Teeth! Research Sponsored in Part by Millennium Dental Technologies, Inc. and the Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry.

CERRITOS, Calif. (November 30, 2011)-New research unveiled to a standing-room-only assembly of the leading periodontists across the globe shows regeneration of bone in teeth affected by periodontal disease when treated with the LANAP protocol. These results have not been previously documented in any dental research worldwide.
The preliminary report for the independent nine-month en-bloc human histological study of the LANAP® protocol was revealed by its principal investigator, Marc L. Nevins, DMD, MMSc at the 2011 American Academy of Periodontology Annual Session in Miami Beach, Florida.

The study researches the effect of the LANAP protocol on the most extreme cases of periodontitis. Preliminary results positively support the LANAP protocol as an effective treatment for periodontitis, also known as gum disease. Human histology slides indicate new connective tissue attachment (CTA) and regeneration of root surface (cementum), both positive signs of the reversal of bone loss, a hallmark effect of gum disease. All 12 treated teeth returned to health, and 50% of teeth analyzed showed evidence of bone regeneration. Full study results are expected to be published in early 2012"The periodontists in the AAP are world-class," said Robert Gregg II, DDS, Program Director for the Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry (IALD). "Their excitement about the research results was palpable, and underscores how important this research is to the dental community. The LANAP protocol is consistently producing results previously thought to be impossible."

The current study contributes to the body of evidence supporting the LANAP protocol. Previous Human Histology on more moderately involved teeth was published in the International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry by Raymond Yukna, DMD, MS.

"Human histology reports indicate bone regeneration can be an expected outcome, even in extreme periodontally challenged teeth. This supports the fact that the LANAP protocol is effective in obtaining regeneration," said Delwin McCarthy, DDS, Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry Executive Director. "Ultimately, this means more patients can save their natural teeth and improve their oral health."

Gum disease is a chronic bacterial infection that, left untreated, can lead to tooth loss and has been closely linked to major health problems including heart disease, strokes, pre-term, and stillborn births, as well as certain cancers. It is often painless and can go undetected or ignored until severe gum and bone destruction catches the individual's attention. Even when detected, patients often choose not to undergo traditional surgery due to fear, poor esthetic outcomes and associated pain.

The LANAP protocol, a patient-friendly, laser gum disease surgery, was developed by clinicians for clinicians as a treatment patients would accept. The protocol's strict operating parameters ensure consistent, reproducible, positive results.

Dawn Bloore, DDS, Director of Training for the IALD states, "The most recent research findings support the successful treatments reported by LANAP-trained clinicians worldwide." The LANAP protocol continues to be adopted by specialists as the preferred laser gum surgery, on the basis of its clinical results and treatment acceptance rates.


Francis J. DuCoin DMD said...

For Americans in their 30s and beyond, the threat of gum disease (periodontal disease) is a very real and potentially dangerous condition. Gum disease is particularly dangerous because the progression of the disease is often painless, going undetected until it creates serious problems.
Although genetics may play a small role in its development, doctors agree that gum disease is most often directly related to how well people care for their teeth and gums. said...

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lanap said...

Hello Dr,

Nice blog. Will you be at the pre AAP clinicians meeting this year?
Hope to see you there.

Happy Lnaping,


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Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

Who knew that taking to much care of your mouth could cause gum problems. I friend of mine brushed his teeth way to much and hard that he messed up his gums. I am grateful for the new technology and treatments that can help with gum problems.
-Jesse White|

Unknown said...

Laser gum treatments are done by very skilled and qualified periodontists. This way you will know that your gums are going to be very well taken care of. You need to have health teeth and gums to ensure that your teeth last as long as possible.

Unknown said...

I am thinking about getting laser gum disease treatment. It is a fairly new procedure to me. But I hear that it works wonders.

Unknown said...

I can definitely see why this study would be so exciting! Come to think of it, I think my aunt's periodontist mentioned it while I was picking her up from her appointment last week. Hopefully this research really helps fight gum disease! Thiago |

Unknown said...

I have bad gum recession. Would this laser treatment be able to help correct it? I have heard gum recession can be very harmful. said...

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